Göçmen Hukuku

Özellikle Hollanda, Almanya, Fransa, Belçika'da yaşayan göçmenlerimiz veya bu ülkelerde   yaşamak isteyen insanlarımızın  Göçmen (yabancı) hukuku alanında yaşadıkları veya yaşayabilecekleri tüm hukuki sorunlara  alanında uzman avukat ve hukukçularımız ile hızlı ve ekonomik çözümler buluyor ve sizlere en uygun tavsiyelerimizi bildiriyoruz. 

Immigration (Foreigners) Law; It is related to the entry and residence of foreigners in the country. Visas, residence permits, withdrawal of residence permits, detention of immigrants and deportation of foreign nationals are all matters regulated by immigration law.

You can consult us on the following issues in the field of Immigration (Foreigners) Law.

  • Visa applications
  • Applications for residence permit
  • Applications for extension of residence permit
  • Göç ve Vatandaşlık Dairesinin, aldığı kararlara karşı itiraz ve yasal süreçler
  • Withdrawal/cancellation of residence permit in the Netherlands
  • High-skilled Worker residence permit applications
  • Obtaining a residence permit due to work
  • Application for permanent residence permit
  • Citizenship application
  • Obtaining a residence permit from marriage/or cohabitation
  • Temporary residence application for family reunification (MVV)

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